Roots and Shoots
Getting involved
Improving the local area through community work, community cohesion, and raising awareness of the importance of green spaces. This project with its health and wellbeing focus, carries out gardening clubs in the community and schools to litter picking, community clear ups as well as tree planting and vegetable growing.
In springtime, we began work at a new primary school in East Leeds. They were fortunate to have some raised beds and a dedicated growing area in the playground but this had not been tended to in a while as the school was struggling to keep up the work on a regular basis. We began working with a small enthusiastic Year 3 group who started weeding and clearing the area and planting new vegetables and flowers.
By summer the children were ready to harvest what they had grown and loved picking fresh peas and beans for the first time as well as taking home potatoes, onions and shallots to share with their families.
Initially many were frightened of the insects burrowing in the compost, but by autumn squeals of fear turned to those of delight. One girl held a worm up with her bare hands and declared – ‘I’ve overcome my fear of worms!’ The group has also grown to a weekly after-school club with 12 children.
Gardening has been proven to improve health and well being and working within schools is a great way to get children interested in nature and the importance of wildlife for our own way of living. It helps children understand where their food comes from and the processes involved, which complements in class, learning around Maths, Science and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education.
Office Number: 0113 8245414
Community Learning Partnerships, The Burton Business Park, Hudson Road, Harehills, Leeds, LS6 6DJ
Registered in England No. 02628224, Charity No. 1003603