Our charity helps people from the most deprived areas in Leeds where poverty is entrenched. Many have barriers that prevent them from participating equally in society.
We help adults, young people, families, single parents, children and members of the BAME community. From our latest client assessments; 70% of those we help are long-term unemployed, 32% have mental health difficulties, 82% have low skills and 60% speak little or no English when they come to us for support.
We also support local children and young people through our Let’s Read Programme helping increase their literacy and language skills and through our Roots & Shoots programme, involving them in making East Leeds a cleaner, greener space to live.
Learning Partnerships, T/A Community Learning Partnerships is based in the Burton Building in Harehills, which has a uniquely inspiring story of it’s own. Before it became the Burton Business Park, it was part of Sir Montague Burton’s clothing empire. In it’s hey day, around 10,000 people worked on the site, producing 30,000+ suits a week and shipped worldwide!
At Learning Partnerships we want to see “A society where individuals are engaged, inspired and empowered to achieve their true potential.” Our vision is to provide those in need with a Learning Sanctuary where they can safely reengage with themselves and others. We believe that through supporting individuals’ wellbeing and learning we can stop the poverty cycle and have a real and sustainable impact on their life.
Our Mission is to reduce deprivation and improve wellbeing in Leeds by engaging people in a positive way, through the provision of learning, skills and personal development opportunities.
We are proud to have been working for over 30 years across deprived communities to provide opportunities and support for children, young people and adults to help them access education, training, employment and volunteering. As part of making sure we achieve the aims of our charity, with those being Engage, Inspire, and Achieve, we regularly review our progress, goals and make sure we’re doing all we can to achieve our mission.
Read our most recent annual review from 2024 here, and ones from previous years here: 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019
Our team are non-judgmental, great listeners and fantastic motivators. They also have a genuine desire to change people’s lives for the better. Their hard work and dedication is Community Learning Partnerships’ strength.
Nobody who is involved in our work should ever experience abuse, harm, neglect or exploitation. We all have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all of our beneficiaries, staff and volunteers, to keep them safe and to work in a way that protects them. Click on the following links to see our policies; Safeguarding for adults, Safeguarding for children, our whistle-blowing policy, and our Safer recruitment and selection policy
Our fantastic Trustees, many longstanding, provide invaluable support, expertise and dedication to the cause. Please click each of their photos to read a brief summation of their experiences, and the invaluable skills they provide.